1 - 6Play Time
30 minutes
1 - 6Play Time
30 minutes
Different 'tiddlywinks' applications, game of skill
Boccia 1: Using a big plastic coin you have to flip your 5 small coins onto a consecutively numbered matrix - the larger the distance the higher the value you can achieve
Boccia 2: Like the 'Original' you have to flip your 5 coins as
close as possible towards a target; it is allowed to 'move'
Darts: Similar to Boccia 2, centrally located main target
Flipper: Using 2 coins and 2 meeples to form a team of two
horsemen within a yellow range on the board: try to hit and capture opposing teams while flipping in sequence
Bowling: 9 green meeples have to be pushed down using to big
plastic coins