2 - 6
Play Time
20 minutes
  • End Game Bonuses
  • Hidden Victory Points
  • Pattern Building


Staves is a game where 2 to 6 players play elemental staff sections to build magickal staves for the Mages' Guild.

Each player has hidden clients paying them extra to make sure the staves are to their specific liking. Players play elemental staff pieces from their hands to the common play area, one per turn, to help determine the elemental patterns for each staff, then draw a new Staves card once they have played. If a player can't play any card in their hand, they may draw one Staves card and play it if possible. New staves can be started by playing a "Foot" card, and staves are completed by playing a "Crown" card of the next element in the pattern. Once any six staves have been completed, the game ends and the clients are revealed for end-of-the-game scoring. The player who earns the most gold wins!

-description from publisher