Racing 'N RodeoPlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Roll / Spin and Move

Racing 'N Rodeo

From the publisher web-site:Racing 'N Rodeo is the newest addition to the family of games created by The Weekend Farmer Company. We have stayed true to our rural roots by releasing a game all about HORSES. Whether you are living in a rural area or are just rural at heart you will be drawn to the charm of this game.

Our board game Racing 'N Rodeo was designed with all aspects of horses and their riders in mind. With great effort we were able to blend the different genres of the horse world into one.

Choose the fun and excitement of competing against other players in horse racing, barrel racing, or a steeple chase. Or try your luck riding a wild bronco or in the stud service business. And then test your mind with horse trivia cards including: care, terminology and history. Which ever challenges you choose to take on players from a wide range of horse experience can compete for the chance of turning Pro and eventually being name Grand Champion.