Schweine RoulettePlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Betting and Bluffing

Schweine Roulette

A roulette variant with pig motifs on the bidding cards and on the roulette wheel. Each player has 4 cards in hand, with one suit and one pig position, he can bid up to four suits. Then the wheel is spun, for the winning color with matching pig position there is a winning pig and the bet card, for the right color with wrong pig there is a triple chance card, for the wrong color and the right pig there is a single chance card, but you have to give up the bet cards. If nothing is right, you give away all the cards you have bet. Whoever has a winning pig can challenge another owner and bets on a pig position, if he turns the right one, he gets the opponent's pig, otherwise he loses his own to the opponent. The first to own three winning pigs wins.