Feed the BeastPlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
10 minutes
  • Dice Rolling

Feed the Beast

Have you ever wondered what happens underneath an evil counts magnificent and sprawling castle?

Welcome to the dank and stench-ridden basement of Count Hogarth's Castle, a large empty cellar which houses the Count's greatest secret, The Beast! A huge monstrosity held in its tomb only by the walls of the ancient cellar. Did it come from another world, the depths of the earth or is it the Counts long forgotten father? Either way the only thing keeping from breaking out and devouring the world is feeding it plenty of sewer Critters. And what unlucky fool gets this job you ask? Why you of course! One of the dozens of hapless servants that work under the Counts rule.

Feed the Beast is a simple and fast-paced dice game of gambling and luck. Players compete against each other to fumble in the sewers for Critters and then feed the gigantic Beast in a Medieval setting.

On a players turn they roll dice to move, search for critters or feed the Beast. Play continues until one player manages to give the beast his fill of Critters, that player is then the winner!