2 - 6
Play Time
15 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Player Elimination
  • Real-Time


This "hot potato" type game features a plastic ball and chain. The ball has tiny feet on the bottom that act as a base, and a policeman (a cartoonish lion) sticking out of the top. The chain has a handcuff at the end that easily slips on and off a person's wrist. To play, you slip the handcuff onto your wrist and push the Policeman down into the ball to start the timer. The clock starts ticking away as the Policeman slowly rises out of the ball. You then roll the dice until "two" keys are tossed. If only one die shows a key, re-roll the second die until a key comes up. When two keys are rolled, you are free to remove the cuff and pass it to the next player who must put it on and roll the dice and so on around the table. When the timer stops, the Policeman pops up and the player wearing the cuff is eliminated. The last player left in the game wins.