2 - 4
Play Time
45 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Take That


Warlords is a dice/dexterity game for 2-4 players. Each player has a tower and six D6. A player's goal is to score as many points as possible against other towers while minimizing points scored against their own. Points are scored by flicking dice in to one of the three tower gates or over the wall of a tower by using a siege engine.

Dice can be played from the board based on their face value. They can be fired a second time (1/Scout), moved around the board (3/Spy), used to remove defensive pins (4/Sapper) or used to fire a second die as a reinforcement (6/General).

Dice can be used to defend a tower by making contact with dice of another player. Pins from a central forest area may be used in defensive positions around one's own tower or offensively against other towers.

The game is played in rounds (1 per player) with rounds ending when a player has no dice in play. Scores are totaled for the number of rounds and the lowest scoring player is the winner.