Check OutPlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Set Collection

Check Out

This game came with a TI-400 5-function calculator.

Setup: give each player a checkout counter (board) and $23. Each board has spaces for 4 servings each of Fruit & Vegetables, Bread & Cereal, and Dairy, and 2 spaces each for Meat and Bonus items. On turn, spin the spinner then draw a card from the food group matching the color spun and decide if you want to buy it. If you don’t buy it, return it to the bottom of the deck. If you buy it, draw a Pot Luck card and pay the price for the item as det by the item card and Pot Luck card then discard the Pot Luck card and place the item on its matching space on your checkout counter. If all such spaces are filled, you may place the card on a Bonus Item space or hold it to trade or sell. In lieu of drawing a card, you may use your turn to sell or trade a food card to another player for food or money. If a player makes an incorrect challenge, any other player may challenge them. The person who was wrong (the player or the challenger) must pay the bank the correct amount without receiving a card. Game ends when a player fills their checkout counter entirely. That player gets a 100-point bonus. Players then score 25 points for each item on their counter and 1 point for each penny not spent. High score wins. As a variant, deal each P a People card at the start of the game. Each card shows a calorie target. During scoring, subtract one point for each calorie above or below the target.