Fire Fight! Vietnam 1965-1975 Skirmish RulesPlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Measurement Movement
  • Simulation
  • Variable Player Powers

Fire Fight! Vietnam 1965-1975 Skirmish Rules

FIRE FIGHT! Vietnam Skirmish Rules 1965-1975 can be used for any scale from 15mm right up to 1:35th!

Ideal for Platoon up to Company sized encounters (Battalion if you have the room!) from 1960 right through to the end of the war in 1975; but can be used beyond -such as the war with China and the invasion of Cambodia --or even further afield to the Middle East, '67 and '73 wars?

This massive book (227 pages!) has a background section, comprehensive rules section covering everything from firing, wepaons, concealement, cover, tactics, greandes, air launched nasties, flamethrowers, mortars, artillery, forward observers, radios, improvised explosives and booby traps, vehicles from 50cc bikes right up to main battle tanks such as the M48a1 and the T54/55!!
Also included are optional/advanced rules for things such as animals, village dogs, weather and infiltration amongst other things!

And if this wasn't enough includes a comprehensive TO&E section covering the US Army/USMC, the ARVN, the PLAF (VC main Force and VC Local Force) and the PAVN (NVA)...
and did I mention helicopters? yes they are covered!
From the UH-1B, UH-1D and of course the COBRA GUNSHIP!!!

—description from the publisher