Tremplin / MenosPlayers
1 - 2
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Grid Movement
  • Race
  • Solo / Solitaire Game

Tremplin / Menos

Jumping is important when playing Tremplin, preferably as far as possible. Cross and cross it goes over the playing field and perhaps directly into the target row. However, you should keep an overview and block the other player's way in the other direction.
The winner is the first player to completely fill his destination row.

Simple jumps, as known from many games, are allowed. Chain jumps are also possible. The highlight, however, are long jumps, in which the same number of empty fields must always be in front of and behind another piece. Combining these different jumps leads to the goal in the fastest way.

In Menos, the familiar principle of "jump over + take away" is combined with a new idea. As soon as an outer row is emptied, the playing field becomes smaller by this row. At the end, the color of the remaining pieces is important, they bring minus points.
Menos is a solo game.