Gardens of EnceladusPlayers
2 - 5
Play Time
30 minutes

Gardens of Enceladus

Our beloved Martians from Gardens of Mars and Gardens of Io have travelled to Saturn’s moon Enceladus to harvest the flowers they planted last year.

Help your little Martian gardener harvest the flowers making sure he collects enough of each type.

RULES SUMMARY (please refer to the official rulebook for details)


- A board representing both a garden on icy Enceladus (10×10 squares), and 10 special actions.
- 95 flowers in 5 different colours (19 each).
- A carrying case.
- 6 black Martians in 3 types (2 each).
- 4 white Martians in 2 types (2 each).
- 5 peaks (white pyramids).
- 9 black counters.
- 1 ‘silver’ counter (the wildflower).


Players take turns moving their martians orthogonally, landing on a space with a flower and taking it. Then taking an adjacent flower. Finally taking all isolated flowers from the board (soliflowers; those that don't have orthogonally adjancent flowers).

Optionally, at the beginning of the turn, the players can execute special actions by 'purchasing' them with 3 flowers of the same colour. Each action can only be executed once during the game:

- Randomly pick 3 flowers from the game case (don’t look), if there are at least 3, and add them to your reserve1.

- Jump orthogonally (not diagonally) over a peak to a space not occupied by a martian. If there is a flower on it, add it to your reserve. Don’t take an adjacent flower!

- Move diagonally to a space not occupied by a martian (you cannot jump over peaks). If there is a flower on it, add it to your reserve. Don’t take an adjacent flower!

- Pick any flower from the board and add it to your reserve.

- Swap the positions of your martian and any one peak or planted flower.

- Swap the positions of any one peak and any one planted flower.

- Swap the positions of any 2 planted flowers.

- Move any one planted flower to any empty space of the garden.

- Move any peak to any empty space of the garden.

- Pick the wildflower and add it to your reserve. Do not place a black counter on the circle; when this unique wildflower is gone, this special action is unavailable.


If a player can't move her martian to a space occupied by a flower the game ends.

To get your score, count the number of flowers of the colour you have the least (consider the 6 colours, even if you don’t have flowers of some of them!). The wildflower acts as a wildcard; it can be used as any colour but you have to declare which one before scoring.

The player with the highest score wins. Ties are broken by the second colour you have the least and so on. If the tie persists play again.

-description from designer