3 - 7Play Time
20 minutes
- Voting
Unicum is all about unique characteristics. Every object, every number, every form has special defining qualities that distinguish it from other concepts. You must identify these qualities and argue that its card deserves to be entered into the "Circle of UNICUMS". In addition to this common task, you also accumulate individual points by correctly estimating the cards and the other players.
Depending on the number of players a number of cards is placed on the table with the theme you want to use face up. Those cards are the candidates that might be selected to become members of the "Circle of UNICUMS".
Players secretly write down 3 of the candidates they think will enter the circle (one as early as possible, two as late as possible).
Then by turn players may nominate one candidate and advance a reason, why this canditate is unique. Other players my support or object this argument.
A candidate can only enter the circle, if a majority of the players agrees.
After a certain number of rounds, players reveal their notes and score points for all cards on their note that made it into the "Circle of UNICUMS" (depending on their position). The player with the highest score wins.