2 - 2
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Chaining
  • Connections
  • Line Drawing
  • Paper-and-Pencil
  • Pattern Building
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Square Grid


Finta is a drawless connection game for two players: Red and Blue. It is played on a square grid of dots arranged in rows and columns. The dots on the first and last rows are connected to their neighbors on the same row with horizontal red lines, and the dots on the first and last columns are connected to their neighbors on the same column with vertical blue lines.

Red plays first, then turns alternate. On your turn, connect with a straight line of your color two orthogonally or diagonally adjacent dots that are not yet connected with a straight line. Lines and chains of lines of different colors may touch but must not intersect. A chain of lines of the same color may intersect itself, on a dot or elsewhere.

You win by completing a chain of lines of your color touching the two opposite board edges of your color.

To make the game fair, Blue will have the option, on their first turn only, to swap sides with Red instead of making a regular move.

—description from the designer