Dice DevilsPlayers
3 - 6
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Dice Rolling
  • Set Collection
  • Variable Player Powers

Dice Devils

What was once unthinkable has started to become a reality: Hell is freezing over. Naturally you and your fellow devils aren't pleased with this situation, so you're trying to surround yourself with as many hot things as possible in order to keep the home fires burning, so to speak. Can you end up on top down below?

In Dice Devils each player takes on the role of one of six devils, each ranked from 1 to 6 and each with a different special ability. On a turn, players roll their dice in secret, then one by one they each choose one of the hot items on offer on the table, starting with devil #1. When players have chosen the same item, then their dice and special abilities come into play to see who gets the goods. Fewer items are available each round than the number of players, so conflict must take place!

Don't think you can rely on that ability the entire game, though, as a devil's rank in Hell is never secure and the top devil might find himself demoted to Clean Freak or Problem Child. In the end, whichever devil collects the most valuable hot stuff wins!