2 - 2
Play Time
15 minutes
  • Tile Placement


TRITT is a two-player abstract board game, designed by Néstor Romeral Andrés in 2009.

TRITT uses an hexagonal board with 91 connected dots and a special piece called Tritton, consisting in 3 aligned dots coloured blue-orange-blue (bob) or orange-blue-orange (obo).

The goal of TRITT is to place three dots of your colour in a row without making three dots of the opponent’s colour in a row at the same time.

On their turn, the players must enter one of his Trittons on the board, or move an opponent’s Tritton any number of steps along the line it is laying on.

TRITT means "three" in Russian, and "kick" in German. It is also a character in the Asimov's novel "The Gods Themselves".