Diadochoi: A Divided Uncompleted EmpirePlayers
1 - 2
Play Time
360 minutes
  • Hexagon Grid

Diadochoi: A Divided Uncompleted Empire

The game covers the ceaseless in-fighting amongst Alexander the Great’s Generals after his death. The map stretches from Northern Macedonia and Benghazi in the west to the Caspian Sea in the east. The map uses a more naturalized look than most other AT games and is completely in Japanese, other than the title. Units are of indeterminate size, but include Elephants, ships, and leaders as well as infantry. Also, the counters use mostly Japanese characters, except for the Arabic numerals.
Movement in the game looks to be controlled by leaders, with interception being available to the non-phasing player. Combat units are counted by points and the CRT is percentage-based for losses. The game runs 16 years (315-300 BC) with an impulse track or turn track (?) based on the seasons (9 boxes per year).

First Ad-technos edition
SGB-2 Diadochoi--A divided uncompleted Empire (1983) (JPY 1500)
The first 23 pages cover the history leading up to and concerning the game, including chapters on the generals, tactics of the time, and maps of the battle lines. The following 16 pages are the rules of the game, with a further 8 pages of charts, tables and (mostly) tracks.

Second edition
Issue game of Game Journal #54