Stock ExchangePlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
90 minutes
  • Betting and Bluffing
  • Commodity Speculation
  • Income
  • Investment
  • Market
  • Ownership
  • Stock Holding

Stock Exchange

"Trade your stocks right away and be a millionaire!"

In this game players take on the role of speculators in the stock market, buying and selling shares in six companies.

There are a variable number of rounds, depending on how long of a game is desired. In each round, players are dealt ten cards which move the price of one stock up or down. (There are also a few special cards which allow special actions.) They then go around the table taking one action each (buy shares in one company, sell shares in one company, or play a special card.). After each player has taken three actions all of the cards are revealed, and the changes to each stock's price are tallied, as is the tax or interest rate for cash in hand.

The first player to get to 50% holding in a company is its Chair, and may suppress the worst price-reduction card (played by anyone) affecting that company in each round. Players holding between 25 and 49.5% of a company may suppress one of their own cards, of any type. (The Chair may veto plays affecting their own company.)

At the end of the game the player with the greatest net worth wins.