2 - 4Play Time
20 minutes
2 - 4Play Time
20 minutes
- Open Drafting
Smelly Seth
Description from the designer:
What is Smelly Seth?
Smelly Seth is a fast paced and easy to learn card game. Your goal is to get the other players to “+11 Smell” and knock them out of the game. It’s great for warming up gaming night or at your local watering hole.
How many friends can I play with and how long is an average game?
You can play with 2-4 people, but 3-4 is best. An average game lasts between 15-20 minutes.
How do I play?
Every player starts with 3 cards. Each turn you will draw a card and then play a card. There are 3 types of cards: smell, clean and action. Smell cards can only be played on your opponents and clean cards on yourself. Action cards provide a fun turn of events in your favor!