Bifrost: The Viking Party GamePlayers
2 - 10
Play Time
15 minutes
  • Single Loser Game

Bifrost: The Viking Party Game

Bifrost: Chamado aos Deuses (Bifrost: Call to the Gods) is a Party Game inspired in games such as Uno and the Brazilian game Copo d’Água (AKA Dorminhoco), with a card-buying mechanic, but set in Nordic culture and mythology. The main objective of the game isn't to win, but to not be the loser.

The game 'turn' has 4 parts. First you will receive a call (card) from the previous player, then you can use a rune or viking, and/or pass a card to the next player, ending your turn.

The objective of the game is to get 5 different gods in your hand. Having the call (card) of a god in your hand means that the warrior (player) has been recognised by that god. When you have the 5, you should put your cards face-up on the table. The other players should do the same thing, always in the most discreet way. The person to put their cards on their table last, is the loser.