Clash Along the Psel: The Battle of Kursk 1943Players
2 - 2
Play Time
120 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Hexagon Grid
  • Modular Board

Clash Along the Psel: The Battle of Kursk 1943

Recreate the Battle of Kursk on a tactical level like never before. Clash Along the Psel brings you to the bank of the River Psel, where a crossing by the 3rd SS Panzergrenadier Division ‘Totenkopf’ drew an immediate—and massive—reaction from the Soviet 5th Guards Tank Army. The result was a titanic clash along the Psel that saw Pzkw VIE ‘Tiger’ tanks crisscrossing the legendary steppe in mortal combat with hordes of T-34 tanks.

The Germans reached the dominating terrain of Hill 226.6, overlooking the Oboyan-Prokhorovka Highway, only to be attacked by wave after wave of Soviet tanks. The Germans were soon caught up in a savage battle to hold the perimeter around their pontoon bridge over the Psel. With the German spearhead attacked at its base, further advance in the Battle of Kursk came to an end for SSTK.

Module for ATS: Advanced Tobruk System