Revenge of the BlankPlayers
3 - 8
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Paper-and-Pencil

Revenge of the Blank

Revenge of the Blank is a light party game, where players write witty responses to prompts like:
An odd item that Batman keeps on his utility belt is ______.
A talking doll should NOT say “______” when you pull its string.
A fortune teller once told me I would live a life full of ______.

How To Play
1)Players are dealt a certain amount of Prompt cards depending on total number of players and desired game length.

2)One player "The Judge" reads a prompt off one of the cards they were dealt at the start of the game.

3)Everyone else then writes a response to the prompt.

4)Once all answers are submitted The Judge then selects their favorite and awards the player who wrote it the card with the prompt.

5)The player to the left of The Judge becomes The Judge and play continues like this until all the cards dealt out at the start of the game have been awarded to other players.

6)The player with the most cards wins.