El Valle de la MuertePlayers
1 - 1
Play Time
240 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Point to Point Movement
  • Simulation

El Valle de la Muerte

El Valle de la Muerte is a solitary game about the famous charge of the Light Brigade as a part of the fourth phase of the Battle of Balaclava on October the 25th of 1854.

The game simulates the twenty terrible minutes of the charge against the Russian cannons, the combat against the gunners, the Russian cavalry, and finally the retreat of embattled survivors who were pursued by the Russian until the British lines.

In the game, the principal characters of the Light Brigade are represented. As an example Lord Cardigan who rode in the front of lines, Captain Nolan who actively participated in the mistake that led the Light Brigade into Death Valley; Captain Morris of the 17th Lancers, etc. Details of the historical events are included, even the two dogs “Boxer” and “Jemmy” who were part of the charge are represented”.