Fighting ChancePlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
45 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Hand Management
  • Variable Player Powers

Fighting Chance

In Fighting Chance choose one of four heroes to try and save the city. But everyone wants to be the best hero in the city, not only do you battle a collection of increasingly powerful rouges, you are trying to be a better hero than the heroes beside you.

Fighting Chance is a cooperative game of every person for themselves.

Fighting Chance is a game of three battle rounds to see who can become the strongest hero and save they City between two phases: training and battle.

Training Round
Players can play two training cards from the training pile. Follow any instructions on the training card. Put the used training cards in the training discard pile. Players must discard their remaining training card. At the beginning of the next training round players may draw three training cards again, but still play only two. If there are not enough cards in the training card draw pile, shuffle the training card discard pile. There is a training card called Diversify Your Portfolio, this card allows players to gain two of any attribute, but it may also be split between to attributes.

Battle Round
Once the heroes are trained let the battle begin.
Flip over the rouge for round 1. Place the energy marker on the rogue board.
In additional rounds flip over round two’s rogue at the beginning of the battle round for round two, and round three’s rogue at the beginning of battle round three.
Note any special abilities that this rogue may have. If a rogue is immune to solo attacks of level X, a player may play a solo attack if their skill exceeds the immunity. For example if a rogue is immune to solo attacks of three or greater of mysticism, but the player has a level four or greater of mysticism, they may still attack at this level.
The most experienced player should go first.
For the first round each player gets dealt seven cards, but has a hand size of three. They players draw three cards in their hand, and draw up to three at the beginning of each turn. If the player discards all their Battle Cards during a round, they are out of the round, but live to fight another day.
For round two each player gets dealt eight cards with a hand size of four.
For round three each player gets dealt ten cards with a hand size of five.
At the end of each round place all unused cards in the discard pile. Shuffle the Battle Cards and deal them for the next round.

They player with the most points at the end of round three wins.

—description from the designer