Carson City: The Lawyer / EditorPlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
90 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Tile Placement
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Worker Placement

Carson City: The Lawyer / Editor

This surprise personality card is made especially for the 10th anniversary of Quined Games. On the cards’ art you can see Arno, the founder and owner of Quined Games. During the day he is a lawyer and during the evening he is an editor. Enjoy playing with this character, here are the rules on how to use him.

The Lawyer may immediately buy a parcel not owned by any player. He pays the normal price. In addition, nobody can contest the lawyer from buying a parcel. In case of a duel with the Lawyer
for buying a parcel, the challenging cowboy goes back to the personal reserve of this player, before the duel is resolved. For all other actions, duels against the lawyer are resolved as
usual. Cash limit : $60.

The Editor publishes a story inspired by your success. At the end of the income phase (round 1/2/3/4), you win a victory point for every $5 / $10 / $15 / $20 of income from all your buildings, rounded up. You do not earn points on income from the attacks of other players buildings or on the money other players would have robbed you. Example: in round 2, you get a total income of 33$ from your buildings, so you earn 4 victory points. Cash limit: $40.


Note: As these are included in the Big Box of Carson City, this small expansion is meant for owners of the base game.
The Lawyer/Editor was also a giveaway together with the Teacher at Essen but without the Townhall.