3 - 6
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Action Points
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Team-Based Game


In Bra$ilis, most of the citizen that come to politics try to take advantage of their position with schemes, make some extra money and raise in status and power. What move Bra$ilis is the power, in this game you will be able to feel that power.
Each player takes roll of a politic that has as a main objective obtain the majority of votes.
And for that, every move counts!! Make partnerships, create intrigues, lie and make a fool of other politics... in resume, everything you find in politics! Run away from scandals and corruption and try, at max, help (or trick) the population for more votes.

In each turn, players reveal a card/news containing three atributes: votes, image and money. Each of this political news will be disputed by the players according to their strategy. Players have a set of cards in their hands and place their political influence and power in front of them or in front of the other players, when they think their participation is enought they can chose to 'pass'. The politician that cointains the higher value of political power in front of him by the time everyone has passed is considered the autor of that scandal published and recieve all the information displayed in the card.
The winner is the player who at the end of the game accumulates more votes.

In the path to the victory, the administration of your image and money are essentials! With money you can buy political help, hiring a lawyer, marketeer or even a advertiser.
Your image, despite being the first tie-braker, will help you gain more or less cards during the game. But beware! The population is not watching the corruption quietly, there is a scale for their 'angryness' and they can start a revolution at any time!!

Em Bra$ilis, os cidadãos que entram para a vida pública querem, quase sempre, se aproveitar dos diversos esquemas e falcatruas e, com isso, faturar uma graninha extra e de quebra um pouco de poder e status. Afinal o que move Bra$ilis é o Poder e, nesse jogo, você poderá experimentar esse poder...
Cada jogador será um político de Bra$ilis que fará de tudo para, ao final do jogo, obter o maior número de votos possíveis e, assim, obter maior poder político. Mas não pense que isso é tarefa fácil, pois todos estarão brigando pelo mesmo objetivo e a população estará de olho no que acontece no Planalto.
E nessa hora vale tudo!! Alianças, intrigas, trapaças, acusações falsas, manipulações... Enfim, tudo que existe na política! Fuja dos escândalos de corrupção e tente, ao máximo, ajudar (ou enganar) a população para conseguir mais votos.

Source: Back of the box.