1 - 8Play Time
60 minutes
- Communication Limits
- Cooperative Game
- Hand Management
- Memory
Sherlock Piratas: Chamanes y mocasines
In each Q case, you try to solve a mystery case with 32 clues, with players revealing one clue at a time until all cards have been revealed or discarded.
Choose a card from your hand and place it on the table, so all players can read or see the entire information.
We recomend you read out loud all shared info when you place it on the table. If you play a clue that happens to be irrelevant
to the case, you lose points at the end of the game, but be careful! Some clues are vital to resolve the case.
You can share and expose your theories at any moment and talk about the cards you have in your hand but you cannot show them to the other players and you may only read out loud the words written in bold or the text framed inside an image:
At the end of the game, when all clue cards have been revealed or discarded, you must check carefully all the available information and prepare a theory of what happened, working all together. Then, open the questionnaire and answer all questions. During this phase of the game, you can speak freely about your discarded cards, or the information you remember of them. Each right answer will add two points.
—user summary
The company of the Pufferfish has arrived at the island of the Tongue of Fire in the Faraway, following the trail of Azsir's treasure. Orencio Barrilete's screams have woken everyone up. Something has stung him and it could be poisonous. You must find out all the details of what happened.
—description from the back of the box (translated)
La compañía del Pez Globo ha llegado a la isla de La Lengua de Fuego en La Lejanía, siguiendo la pista del tesoro de Azsir. Los gritos de Orencio Barrilete han despertado a todos. Algo le ha picado y podría ser venenoso. Deberéis averigur todos los detalles de lo sucedido.
—description from the back of the box