Robin HoodPlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Action Points
  • Campaign / Battle Card Driven
  • Variable Player Powers

Robin Hood

The game has several different scenarios. Each scenario has it's own prerequisites and targets. Sometimes the targets are different for each of the players in the same scenario.

There are up to 6 different factions, Robin Hood, Sheriff of Nottingham, Guy of Gisbourne, Sheriff of Lincoln, Sir Richard of Leigh and The Church.

Each faction has men and leaders with different combat values. Each faction has also a secret agent.

Each event card can be used in two ways. Either you move a group (number of footprints on the cards) or you do the event which is shown on the card. You may play cards up to a value of 5 action points. Each turn when two or more players pass (voluntarily or not), everyone fills up their hand to 6 cards again.

Different cards:
- Objects: Pick up or drop objects.
- Group: Regrouping of men and leaders.
- Direct target: Start automatic move of a group up to 10 spaces.
- Discard target: Inhibit an automatic move.
- Ambush: Attack a nearby opponent group.
- Threat: Let a weaker group give up an object without battle.
- Disguise: Protect a group from some of the other events.
- Fast march: Move up to 4 squares.
- Attack: Start a battle.
- Lost: Out of turn card which can displace a group that has just moved one square.
- Trust: Out of turn card to stop an attack.

Originally the game is from England.