Caesar's LegionsPlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
90 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Grid Movement
  • Hexagon Grid
  • Movement Points
  • Secret Unit Deployment
  • Simulation
  • Simultaneous Action Selection
  • Variable Set-up

Caesar's Legions

Caesar's Legions is a medium complexity wargame simulating the Roman campaigns in Germany at the operational level.

Players choose from 5 scenarios ranging from Caesar's own Germanic campaigns to the Batavian revolt of 70 AD.

Movement is hex based. Tactical cards effect combat resolution which is dice based and cross-referenced on a probability table. Roman units are divided into cohorts. German units are divided into tribes and enjoy hidden movement when in forest terrain.

The game consists of a 22" x 28" map board, over 400 counters (448 counters), playing aids, 16 tactical cards (2 sets of 1 - 8) and a 16-page rulebook.