Sheep CountingPlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
20 minutes
  • Open Drafting

Sheep Counting

"Sum to 10 sheep, an important number"
Draw the cards to get sheep! When getting more than 10 sheep, the wolf will come and the sheep will escape. If you get exactly 10 sheep, the escaped sheep will come back. The game designer made this addition game with his 5 year-old child together, which allow kids to learn adding numbers to 10 while having fun playing. Bravery and intelligence is the key to winning.

Original description:
「あわせて10匹、大事な数字」カードをめくってひつじをゲット! 10匹を超えたり、狼が出ると羊は逃げていく。逃げた羊はぴったり10匹になると戻ってくる。デザイナーが5才の子供と一緒に作った、たし算ゲーム。足して10になる数を遊びながら楽しく学べる。勇気と智恵が勝利につながるカギだ。