3 - 7
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Action Timer
  • Communication Limits
  • Hidden Roles
  • Negotiation
  • Once-Per-Game Abilities
  • Real-Time
  • Score-and-Reset Game
  • Set Collection
  • Trading
  • Variable Player Powers


"The people sitting around your table have been lying to you. They are actually the most powerful leaders of industry the world has ever seen, with massive stockpiles of resources and weapons, probably hiding somewhere in their basement. Can you trust them? Can they trust you? I don't know, but I'm pickin' up some strange vibes. Could be that tuna I ate earlier..."

Nuke? the Card Game puts players in the hot-seat as billionaires and world leaders with two simple goals: 1) to make more many than they ever did, 2) to not get blowed up.

You will be embodying a richer you, and over the course of 3 rounds, collecting sets of commodities to ensure a profitable asset portfolio. How will you accomplish this? Through trade negotiations of course! In real-time, you and your friends will be making deals as shrewdly as possible, but it's in the follow through that your true colours will show. Should you deal honestly and fulfill your end of the bargain? Or should you forsake your responsibility and send the all-dreaded nuke? See, here's the trick: all of the cards that are traded remain hidden until the end of the round. And then, just when you think you're all set to make a fat stack of dough... you flip your cards to reveal 3 nukes! Thanks guys, thanks a lot.

To add a little more chaos into the mix you'll receive a secret identity, and in the second round you'll get 2, and in the third round, 3. Talk about split personalities... These Identity cards might give you a scoring bonus or even a powerful single-use ability to whap out at the most opportune time. Pretty neat! Now it's time for you to put your power of persuasion to the test. But even for the shrewdest shark, at the end of the day the only question that remains is this: should you be a stable and trustworthy friend, or should you send a Nuke?

—description from the designer