Ghost Gate Chronicles: Part One – The DividePlayers
1 - 4
Play Time
40 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Moving Multiple Units
  • Paper-and-Pencil
  • Point to Point Movement
  • Solo / Solitaire Game

Ghost Gate Chronicles: Part One – The Divide

In The Divide, the first of syndicated roll & write series from Invisible Temple Games, you and up to 4 players help guide souls of the departed, the dreams of the living and primordial mana through The Ghost Gates: portals between the now and the hereafter. As you fulfill your ethereal duties something new and dramatic happens: The Ghost Gates are closing!

A communal pool of 2 white dice and 1 black die is rolled and players must simultaneously choose which column on their personal board to activate (1-2 for the left column, 3-4 for the middle and 5-6 for the right one). These activations are in fact movements where you cross off a symbol from a space to draw it in a space further.

As you play The Divide, your board will get increasingly hard to travel as you try to guide specific symbols to specific areas of the map that score you endgame points.

As you cross the middle threshold of the map, your symbols must bass through Ghost Gates. Doing so gives you 1 endgame point. If, at the end of a turn, a ghost gate is completely filled on a player's board, everyone at the table must cross that gate off also.

The game ends when the third gate is crossed off and the one with the most points wins!