Legend of HexdomPlayers
1 - 100
Play Time
40 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Paper-and-Pencil
  • Solo / Solitaire Game

Legend of Hexdom

A fantasy roll and write solitarie (but also can be played as a coop or competitive experience) where you explore a world of hexes, adventuring for loot, increasing your stats until you are ready to raid the castles and defeat the bosses.

With different classes, each hero has its own set of powers (and weaknesses).
You can find treasures, gems, relics and gifts to assist you in your journey.

Only needing a pen/marker and three six-sided dice and one of Hexdom maps. Our initial campaign promises more than 250 maps in the starting package and we hope to build a community to expand even further.

—description from the designer