Dragon Chess: Arcane BattlesPlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
45 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Point to Point Movement
  • Rock-Paper-Scissors

Dragon Chess: Arcane Battles

Take control of your mystic armies and fight for victory! With three ways to win, customization of armies, and supporting up to 4 players, the replay value is beyond compare!

Players control custom-built armies and square off to attempt to control arcane circles, wipe out the other side, or prevent the other side from taking their turn.

Players move their pieces, according to assigned movement types, ground, burrowing, flight, or teleportation. Players battle to control spaces, rolling dice based on assigned attack and defense values.

Certain creatures possess special abilities that can be used outside of combat, including spellcasting. Spellcasters choose spells from a spell list and enact them upon the game!

Game includes board, over 100 unit markers, creature cards, spell cards, and customized dice.