4 - 15Play Time
30 minutes
- Player Elimination
- Role Playing
- Team-Based Game
- Variable Player Powers
- Voting
The Infiltrated
The Infiltrated is an intriguing and fun board game act for all audiences (+16). In the game, a group of citizens discovers that an Infiltrated is to blame for their misfortunes and will do everything possible to find out. But the task will not be very easy, because there are those who support the infiltrated and cunningly use their arguments to hide the truth.
This Game Emulates Venezuela political Turmoil in both sides of the political view, but encouraging teamwork to reveal the agitator and win as citizens.
Each player receives a rol among 2 infiltrator and up to 8 more citizens, they close their eyes and the infiltrated recognize among them and several roles appear on the citizens like the witch, the smuggler, the thief, the para-military, etc. After the Night the players vote to imprision one player and after 3 nights they gotta discover the infiltrated or they lose.
Also there are several roles that put spice to the game with several gaming variant to taste the feeling of the political turmoil in Venezuela.
—description from the publisher
El Infiltrado es un intrigante y divertido juego de mesa acto para todo público (+16). En el juego, un grupo de ciudadanos descubre que un Infiltrado es el culpable de sus desdichas y harán todo lo posible para descubrirlo. Pero la tarea no será del todo fácil, pues hay quienes apoyan al infiltrado y con astucia usarán sus argumentos para esconder la verdad.
—description from the publisher (Spanish)