14 Days: Aerial CombatPlayers
1 - 1
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Solo / Solitaire Game

14 Days: Aerial Combat

It is a dawn of aviation warfare, the Great War of 1914-18.You are one of the freshly pilots, just came from the flight
school. Your expected lifespan on the front is 14 days. Will you be just another name on the tombstone, or will you
became an Ace?

14 Days is a solo wargame, simplified and abstracted to the core, with low number of components, perfect for a
campaign play on the run.

Game Components:
- 6 white d6 dice
- 1 red d6 die
- 5 red wooden cubes
- 4 white wooden cubes
- 3 yellow wooden cubes
- 2 blue wooden cubes
- 2 black wooden cubes
- one meeple in the shape of an airplane
- one bag for the wooden cubes
9 Cards:
- 1 double-sided Aircraft card (Allied/German)
- 1 double-sided Map card
- 1 Dogfight / Events card
- 1 Tables and Charts card
- 5 Terrain cards with randomized DRMs on the back

Object of the game:
Fly and survive all 14 missions of a campaign. Score points for every mission and check how well did you do on the European battlefield. You are encouraged to give some narrative to your achievements, so keeping a diary in a style of an airman on the front line is preferable.

Game Setup:
Basic setup is simple – shuffle all terrain cards in a face down deck. Place all wooden cubes in the bag, except white ones, and set you dice nearby. Choose the Allied or German side of the Aircraft and Map card (following the emblem on the card) and place Tables & Charts and Dogfight/Events cards close by.
Use the Mission log on the back of this rulebook and a pen to write down your mission results.

Mission types and mission end:
There are three types of missions: Patrol, Reconnaissance and Bombing run.
For Patrol and Bombing run you just need to finish with all encounters on the last card and return to base for mission to be successful.

For Reconnaissance is the same, but both you and wingman must return to be base for mission to be successful.

Mission can end in three ways, by returning to base on your accord before reaching the last terrain card in the column (failed mission), by getting shot down from the skies (failed mission), or in case of Reconnaissance your wingman gets shot down (failed mission), or you can finish with the last terrain card and return home (successful mission).

In any case, when returning to base you need to roll on the Landing table, applying all DRMs accordingly. You need 4+ to land successfully.

Remove any white cubes from the bag together with any other used or unused white cubes to have a new supply that will be placed back into the bag during an Aircraft prep stage.

Mission scoring:
If mission is successful – gain number of points as stated on the Map card.
-1 point if wingman has died.
-1 point if your Landing was unsuccessful.
1 point for each enemy plane destroyed.
Points for each special target destroyed (based on the type)*

• Reconnaissance plane = 1 point
• Reconnaissance balloon = 1 point
• Bomber = 2 points
• Zeppelin = 2 points

If mission is unsuccessful – you lose double the amount of points you would get by succeeding the mission. Example: if
you would score 2 points and mission ended in a failure, you wold gain -4 points instead.
Write everything down in your Mission log. If you survive the campaign, final amount of your points will give you a short summary how well you did as an airman in Great War.

Leveling up and Ace status:
It is possible to level up through the campaign.

-description from designer