Get Some!: Future Warfare – Synod Army ListPlayers
2 - 6
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  • Dice Rolling

Get Some!: Future Warfare – Synod Army List

The armies of the Universal Synod ofWorlds are vast beyond comprehension. They control millions of worlds. They are far from a unified people but a confederation of thousands of smaller empires, republics, federations and states. They are ruled by decentralized form of republic whereby sectors send representatives to the Universal Althing to decide
matters of relevance to every being in the Universe.
The military, at least on a local level, need unity of command. For that reason the Synod delegates a representative from that sector to coordinate military efforts within that sector. Military units are often drawn from local planets and given more advanced training if necessary. Since most of the species within the Synod ofWorlds are pacifistic the burden of fighting often falls on the Consensus of Artificial Systems or just the Consensus.
The Consensus are advanced artificial lifeforms that grew out of Synod artificial intelligences. Their worlds are massive factories and research laboratories. They have taken up the mantle of military protectors and provided the backbone for almost all of the Synod Military formations. Artificial Intelligences specifically designed for military thought lead armies of nonsentient drones and vehicles. This is done to protect the people of the Synod from the horrors of warfare and contagion of the Fallen races. Races within the Synod, known as the Chosen, often provide specialist units or leaders to supplement the powerful but inetectually limited drone forces.

The following pdf will provide unit descriptions and game statistics for a typical Synod Military Formation.

Get Some! Future Warfare is about getting your models out and playing an enjoyable wargame for a couple of hours with your buddies. It is NOT about WAAC (Winning at all Costs) but about designing an army that fits your collection and play style as well as the background for the Universe you are playing in. Tactics and Command should play the pivotal
roles in the battle as well as a little bit of Luck and NOT pimped out units. Armies should be a mix of Melee, Ranged and Armored units. Basing of models is left to the discretion of each player whether they are playing 6mm 15mm or 28 mm. Each unit should check some of the power of the others in the rock, paper, scissors kind of way, which is similar to actual warfare.

—description from the publisher